Eva Holmqvist has lived in the residential area since 1974, where an explosion occurred at a stairwell on Monday evening.

- I was sitting on the sofa on the seventh floor and it was shaking, she says.

Eva Holmqvist says that she has not experienced anything like this before.

- What is happening in Malmö these days is terrible, she says.

Verica Stojanovic has also lived in the district for several decades.

She was at work when the explosion occurred but finds what happened in her stairwell feels uncomfortable.

- I feel a little scared and could not fall asleep tonight, she says.

The police are now investigating whether there may be a connection between Monday's detonation in the stairwell and the bombing that was carried out on Sunday in the Lindängen district.

- When it comes to the absolute most serious violent crime with shootings and detonations, it is almost always about one and the same rather narrow circle of individuals in Malmö, says police spokesman Nils Norling.

With that said, we can not immediately say that we see any connections between these two different deeds, he says.

On Tuesday morning, no person was detained on suspicion of the bombing in Lindeborg.

On Monday, however, two people suspected and involved in the act at Lindängen were arrested and detained.