Anyone who receives benefits such as basic security for old age or social assistance in Frankfurt receives an additional one-off 150 euros from the social welfare office.

According to the department responsible, the money comes from “Social Protection Package 3” and also goes to asylum seekers and families who receive child benefit.

One-off payment is intended to reduce burdens

Theresa White

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

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    The department announced that the one-time payment should ease the burden of the lockdown since January.

    Many people would have had expenses for masks, disinfectants or computer accessories.

    “Recipients of social benefits have to save these expenses elsewhere,” says social affairs officer Daniela Birkenfeld (CDU).

    No application is required for the one-off payment;

    According to the department, a notification will be sent if the person was entitled to subsistence benefits in May.

    In addition, all families who receive child benefit in May receive a child bonus of 150 euros a few days after the regular payment.

    Birkenfeld said she was happy about the unbureaucratic opportunity to support people.

    The social protection package has been available as additional support since the beginning of March. According to this, social benefits should be approved quickly and easily if no priority assistance such as housing benefit and child allowance apply. Simplified requirements for receiving basic security benefits also apply until December 31st. This includes largely refraining from examining existing assets, according to the department's statement. There is also no need to check whether the rental and heating costs are reasonable for six months.