Texts have always played an important role in my work with spaces.

Corona made me dedicate myself to this text work more intensively.

On the occasion of my Parkinson's diagnosis before Corona, I had written an autobiographical book, "Places of Possible Living" (Axel Dielmann Verlag), which for me is a commentary on my work, both literary and philosophical-essayistic.

The book could still be presented, but due to Corona no further readings could take place.

With the small project “Corona-Belt” in the first lockdown, I tried to sound out the space that Corona completely redefined through the rules of distance, in which we are all now moving.

Shortly before the lockdown, the father dies

My father also passed away shortly before the first lockdown.

Today I am happy that we were able to visit him in the last phase and that he received a "normal" funeral, both of which would not have been possible a short time later.

The death and the dissolution of my father's place of residence in the Bavarian Forest, which also plays an important role in my book as the place of the family, have specifically led me to continue writing - about rooms.

The place in the Bavarian Forest now always offers me a vanishing point where the Corona rules hardly affect me and which enables me to look at things from the outside.

If at some point we find ourselves in "normal" life, I hope we will find that we have been thinking ...