The infected quarrel between the security company Väktarskolan and the Norrbotten Region continues and now it is about high-level law and interpretations of legal decisions.

The agreement has already been signed

The region has excluded Väktarskolan from the procurement because the company has "committed a serious error in the practice of the profession" and "committed a serious breach of contract".

And that without anyone in the regional management wanting to explain what those formulations stand for.

The choice fell instead on Avarn Security, which was almost SEK 100,000 more expensive a month.

But Väktarskolan's CEO Patrik Nicklasson has appealed to the administrative court, which also made the decision that the Norrbotten region may not enter into an agreement before the judicial review is completed in two to three months.

- We signed an agreement already in connection with the award decision that came on May 6 and what is happening now is that the new supplier is in place and acting on legal grounds and we will answer the administrative court there this week, says operations manager Anders Blomqvist.

Right or wrong is tried - can be annulled

The Administrative Court's councilor Eva Beselin believes that the region did not make a mistake if they had already signed an agreement in good faith when the court's decision to stop the agreement was made.

- But in some cases, the court can, if the appellant so wishes, consider whether the agreement should be valid or not.

In some cases, it is possible to move from one trial to another, but I do not yet know how important it is in this case.

Whether everything has gone right or not, that is what we will try next, she says.

"Signed the agreement with due courage"

But Väktarskolan's CEO Patrik Nicklasson puts up a hard fight and demands a new trial.

- We will demand that the agreement be annulled and my absolute attitude that the Norrbotten Region signed the agreement with reluctance even though they knew that we would appeal it and that there would be a decision to temporarily suspend the procurement pending legal proceedings.

I think that is quite amazing, he says.