Last summer, Rasmus Paludan was denied burning a Koran outside the Islamic Center in Malmö.

But supporters of him still burned a Koran, which led to violent riots.

Now Paludan has applied for permission for a general meeting with the police again.

- The application has not been approved and is being processed by the police, says Nils Norling, Malmö Police's press spokesperson to SVT Nyheter Skåne at lunchtime on Monday.

The police are ready

What kind of public gathering it is is still unclear.

- It is about some form of stagnant manifestation.

Regardless of whether the gathering is granted or not, the police have allocated resources and we are planning for it to be a demonstration on Thursday, says Nils Norling.

Special event

Following the last week's propal Palestinian demonstrations around Skåne, the police in the southern region have set up a special event.

- This potential event at Rosengård is also handled within the framework of the special event.

This means that we can change and move staff to where it is needed, says the police's spokesperson Nils Norling to SVT.

The text is updated