The rescue service was alerted just before 4 o'clock on Monday night after passers-by on the E 14 saw that there was a fire in the barn building.

There were no animals or people in the property that served as a showroom.

- It was a fully developed fire already when we arrived with the first force, we have concentrated on letting it burn down in an orderly manner and ensuring that there was no spread of the fire, says Mats Kronsten, internal commander at Jämtlands emergency services.

Rescue services from Nälden, Trångsviken, Hallen and Järpen worked on the site during the night, in addition, the rescue service came from Kall with a tanker and from Krokom also a tanker.

Half past seven on Monday morning, firefighters from Hallen and Kall remained at the scene.

- It has more or less burned down now, says Mats Kronsten.