Since 1993, every four years, 31 members of the Sami Parliament are elected.

There are 24 polling stations from Karesuando in the north to Gothenburg in the south.

And this year is the first time it is possible to vote in Gothenburg, at the Sami association in Högsbo.

- It's fun to have the southernmost polling station, says pollster Inger Cecilia Labba.

Preserve the Sami culture

The Sami Parliament is both a state authority and a Sami parliament and shall work to improve the Sami's opportunities to preserve and develop their culture.

Just over 9,200 Sami are on the electoral roll and can vote on which 31 members are to be appointed.  

- It's about our future, says Agneta Rimpi, Hunting and Fishing Sami.