Damon Weaver (Carline Jean / South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP)


May 16, 2021 He was only 11 when he entered the White House and interviewed none other than Barack Obama, the first African American president in history.

Damon Weaver was also an African American and became a small star on social media.

On May 1st, he died at the age of 23, according to his family's city newspaper, the Palm Beach Post.

He died of natural causes, explains his sister, and no other details have yet been leaked.   

His interview with Obama dates back to August 13, 2009 and lasts about ten minutes, still visible on YouTube. "That experience changed his life," says his sister, explaining that Damon was studying communications at Albany State University, Georgia. In the chat with the president we talked about school, bullying, basketball and much more. "Can I become your friend? Biden already agrees", the last words he addressed to Obama, who with a broad smile replied: "Of course!".