
Berlin / Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - In Saarland, 150 new corona infections have been registered within 24 hours.

According to the figures from the Berlin Robert Koch Institute (as of 3.10 a.m.), the incidence fell to 89.3.

The day before, the incidence, i.e. the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week, was 90.5.

There was another death, making a total of 978. 39,610 infections have been detected since the start of the pandemic.

The RKI pointed out that when interpreting the number of cases, it should be noted that fewer people visit a doctor on public holidays and bridge days, which means that fewer samples are taken and fewer laboratory tests are carried out.

The federal emergency brake for an incidence over 100 applies at the level of the districts and urban districts.

In Saarland, only the Saarlouis district is currently above this value with 115.3.


As of Sunday (9:19 a.m.), 66 Covid 19 patients in Saarland were receiving intensive care, 35 had to be invasively ventilated.

A total of 345 of the 428 intensive care beds currently available in Saarland were occupied, the vast majority of them with patients with other diseases.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210516-99-616477 / 2

RKI dashboard with the coronavirus numbers