
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Drones are supposed to protect young wild animals when mowing is now beginning.

The aircraft are equipped with thermal imaging cameras and recognition software and can detect animals in the tall grass.

Saxony's Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) once again pointed out on Saturday that the federal government is promoting the use of drones to save young animals.

Since March, associations have been able to apply for funding for the purchase of the devices from the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food, it said.

“Fawns or young birds that do not fly are particularly at risk when the mower comes. It is therefore important to me to protect them from serious injuries or death as far as possible, ”explained Günther. Farmers are legally obliged to protect young animals when mowing. The most important thing is close communication between farms, local hunters, companies and, if necessary, nature conservation. Targeted agreements could save many animal lives.

According to Günther, a protective measure can also be to search the area to be mowed beforehand with hunting dogs.

In addition, endangered animals could be successfully driven away if they were disturbed half a day to a full day before mowing, for example by attaching flutter tapes and crackling bags.

Then the doe will have time to get her fawns to safety in good time.

Deer mothers like to lay their offspring in the tall grass at this time of year when they go foraging for food themselves.


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Information on project funding for drones