
Potsdam (dpa) - The Brandenburg Association of Towns and Municipalities has pointed out the further need for vaccination centers and mobile vaccination teams in the state.

Without them, it would not be enforceable to carry out 200,000 vaccinations a week in the country, said Jens Graf, managing director of the Association of Towns and Municipalities, on request.

"Vaccination centers also relieve the resident doctors of appointment management and other organizational work," he said.

Originally, the statutory health insurance physicians wanted to reduce vaccination centers because they could only vaccinate once - either in the practices or in the vaccination centers.

At the vaccination summit of the state government on Monday, it was decided that the 13 vaccination centers would continue to operate until at least the end of July.

Eleven are operated under the direction of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, two municipal work in Falkensee and Perleberg.

In view of the lifting of the prioritization and the lack of a vaccine, there are only excessively long waiting lists in the practices and unsuccessful visits to booking portals, he said.

At the moment, hardly any appointments for initial vaccinations in vaccination centers are activated via the booking portals of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.


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