
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - In Saxony-Anhalt's forests, there was much less fire in the first four months than in the previous year.

By April 30, six forest fires had been registered in the country, the forest center announced on request.

In the same period last year there were 15.

At 2.27 hectares, however, the six fires this year covered almost as large a forest area as the 15 a year earlier (2.71 hectares).

The state center sees a possible reason for the lower number of forest fires in the weather: March and April were almost as dry this year as in 2020. This year, however, due to the abundant snowfall at the beginning of the year, the soil was significantly more humid than in the previous year Year.

A reliable forecast of how many forest fires could break out in summer is not possible because of the many variables, according to the state center.

In addition to natural causes, fires are repeatedly caused by humans, such as glass bottles, cigarette butts or arson.


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