
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) - A 30-year-old man was seriously injured while breaking into two shops in Frankfurt.

The officers moved to a furniture store on Friday night due to a burglary alarm, the police said.

A little later they discovered the alleged burglar injured under a parked car.

The homeless 30-year-old had loaded various groceries into a shopping cart in the furniture store and then climbed over a three-and-a-half meter high billboard to steal several cell phones in a neighboring electronics store.

When trying to climb the billboard again, it collapsed and the man fell to the ground.

With the cell phones in his pocket, he crawled under the car to hide.

The man was taken to a hospital.

The loot as well as the burglary tools have been secured.

The 30-year-old has to expect a complaint.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210514-99-597708 / 2

Notification of the police