• In Italy, births at an all-time low, all-time high of deaths since the first post war

  • Pope. "Worried about Italy's decline in births, the demographic winter puts the future in danger"

  • Istat: population falls, births at an all-time low

  • Istat: residents drop and births drop by 4%, an all-time low since the unification of Italy

  • Istat: historical minimum of births, Italy is one of the oldest countries in the world


May 14, 2021 Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Pope Francis participate in the General States of the Birth in Rome. At the center of the meeting promoted by the Forum of family associations, a discussion on proposals to reverse the demographic trend in Italy, and get out of this "winter": The event in attendance at the Foyer of the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome, live streaming starting from 9.30 

Also present were the Minister for the Family, Elena Bonetti, the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti and the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi.

The situation is aggravated by the pandemic which has further contracted the data, with serious repercussions on the balance of generations and on Italian welfare. In the last 12 years, in fact, there has been a decrease from 577 thousand births to the current 404 thousand with a decrease of 30%. According to Istat as of December 31, 2020, the resident population in Italy is almost 384 thousand lower than at the beginning of the year, as if a city the size of Florence had disappeared. In 2020 there is a new historical low of births from the unification of Italy, and an all-time high of deaths since the second post-war period. -3.8% the decrease in births: almost 16,000 fewer than in 2019. In 2020, 404,104 children were registered by birth. + 17.6% the increase in deaths: almost 112,000 more than in 2019.In 2020, 746,146 people were canceled from the register due to death.