
Berlin (AP) - In the new ZDFneo streaming series "Sleeping Sheep" he fights against conspiracy theorists, in real life actor Daniel Donskoy campaigns against anti-Semitism.

The host of the WDR late night show "Friday Night Jews" published a song against prejudice on Friday.

It's called "Jew".

A central line of text in the chant to the oriental bassline reads: "Jew - just a word, but anti-Semitism is sport in Germany."

After the debut of his WDR broadcast, the 31-year-old received a number of nasty anti-Jewish agitation letters, he lists examples in the explanatory text under the song's YouTube video.


«The atmosphere in the world is becoming more and more toxic.

Especially in the world of social media, ”says Donskoy.

"The situation in Israel and Palestine also means that more and more Jewish people are exposed to anti-Semitic agitation."

He opposes hatred and reacts with art instead of agitation, said the Jewish artist from Berlin.

«The release of« Jude »is a very emotional one for me - my first track in German.

Because it's about Germany.

About a respectful togetherness. "

The song was published on all major streaming services.

Donskoy donates all proceeds from the downloads to the initiative hassmelden.de.

This online project helps people on a voluntary basis to anonymously report hatred that hits them.

hassmelden.de is explicitly recommended by the Federal Ministry of Justice.

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Song on Youtube

Friday night Jews

Sleeping sheep