
Bonn (AP) - The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Thomas Sternberg, is skeptical of the blessing services for homosexual couples held on Monday under the motto "Love wins".

"I can understand that, just do not know whether the intimacy of God's promise of blessing for a love affair is suitable for a politically demonstrative act," Sternberg told the German press agency on Monday.

Blessings of homosexual couples are often already practiced in Catholic parishes, they are not unusual.

The question is whether they are suitable for a political manifestation.

The chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Georg Bätzing, had already made a similar statement.

Nationwide, on this Monday, “blessing services for lovers” will take place in Catholic churches - including for homosexual couples, although the Vatican has recently expressly forbidden this.

In total, there are around 100 services, some of which were held on Sunday.

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Love wins