
Limburg / Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - Limburg now also has a speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour on a central axis to improve air quality.

Hesse's Environment Minister Priska Hinz (Greens) received praise on Monday for the restriction that has been in force at the Limburger Schiede since May 7.

"This is a first, but important step to improve air quality," she said after a statement.

Despite the decline in traffic during the corona pandemic, the limit value for nitrogen dioxide at the Schiede measuring site was still significantly exceeded in 2020.

Further measures are being worked on with the city.

The first city council of Limburg, Michael Stanke (CDU), said after the announcement that the city supports everything that is sensible and proportionate.

This is an important signal also with regard to the upcoming appointment before the Constitutional Court (VGH) in Kassel due to a possible diesel driving ban.

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