
Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - Due to declining corona incidences, the schools in the Saarbrücken regional association have also been open again for face-to-face classes in the classrooms since Monday.

After a week of distance learning, one has now returned to alternating lessons, said a spokesman for the Saarland Ministry of Education in Saarbrücken on Monday.

Daycare centers also resumed regular operations under pandemic conditions on Monday after they offered emergency care in the regional association the week before.

The reason for the return to alternating classes in schools and regular daycare is that the seven-day incidence was below 165 on five working days in a row.

The respective measures provide for the rules on the federal emergency brake.

Since Monday there has been an alternation between learning from home and teaching in the classroom at all schools in Saarland.

On May 3, schools and daycare centers in the Saarbrücken regional association switched to distance teaching and emergency care after the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants had exceeded 165 for three days in a row within seven days.


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