
Kamenz (dpa) - The Kamenz Lessing Days will be postponed again due to the corona pandemic.

Germany's oldest literature festival is now planned for autumn.

The circumstances of the development currently still do not allow a series of events to exchange ideas, for orientation and position determination for a live audience, the organizers announced on Monday.

The 53rd edition in Kamenz, Saxony, should actually start on Tuesday and take place until July 4th.

The town of Kamenz usually celebrates its most famous son, the "Enlightenment poet", Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781) in January and February.

His best-known works include dramas such as “Minna von Barnhelm”, “Emilia Galotti

and “Nathan the Wise


Because of the Corona crisis, the festival, which has only taken place every two years since 2007, was postponed for the first time in its history since 1962.

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