
Rendsburg (dpa / lno) - The Rendsburg district court has imposed a suspended sentence of one and a half years for three arson attacks.

According to the court spokesman, the 27-year-old defendant was sentenced on Monday for, among other things, aggravated arson and aiding and abetting fraud.

The man is said to have acted on behalf of the owner.

The owner is said to have claimed the property damage of around 200,000 euros with his insurance company.

The man is being pursued separately.

The judgment is not yet final (Ref .: 592 Js 19837/20).

According to the verdict, the defendant first set fire to a barn in Hamdorf (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district) in May 2017.

Insurance damage claimed by the owner: around 120,000 euros.

About a year later, the client's house burned - with damage of over 80,000 euros.

And finally, the 27-year-old also set fire to his wife's car.

The property damage asserted for this amounted to around 6,000 euros.

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