
Erfurt (dpa / th) - The Thuringian Beamtenbund (tbb) has criticized the digital infrastructure of the Free State. "Even the best hardware equipment is of no use if the necessary broadband connection is not available," criticized the state chairman Frank Schönborn on the digital delegates' day on Monday, at which, according to tbb, around 100 members discussed the future of the public service . Digitization also means that the necessary digital infrastructure is available. This affects all areas of the public service, but weaknesses have been revealed in homeschooling, so Schönborn. The tbb Beamtenbund and Tarifunion Thuringia is according to its own information one of two top organizations in the public service in Thuringia and the umbrella organization for 34 trade unions,which organize almost 25 percent of employees and civil servants from all areas of the public service in Thuringia.

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