It was when Ingemar Fryklund discovered that his father had not been shaved for several weeks and that the hearing aid was gone that he started taking notes every time he saw deficiencies in care.

He then compiled an eight-page document which he handed over to the social director and other people in charge of the social administration.

- We take the criticism seriously and have reason for the self-examination.

There have been shortcomings that we must rectify and we have already begun that work, says John Olsson who is social manager at Malå municipality.

This is a relatively strong criticism that Ingemar Fryklund directs at the employees.

- Yes, but as a relative you have to demand that adequate care is provided and I think I have probably been met with understanding by those who work at Miklagård.

In addition, I have noticed a difference, it works much better since I pointed out the shortcomings around the care of my father, says Ingemar Fryklund.

More cases are being investigated

A further painful case occurred at another nursing home in Malå where a patient fell and broke his ankle and the medical examination did not take place until two days later.

That person received palliative care and later died.

- An extremely tragic event, but there we believe that the region had not lined up with doctors in time and that that responsibility does not end up with the municipality. But we have still made a lex Maria report to investigate where the responsibility lies and how it can be avoided in the future, says social director John Olsson.