
Erfurt (dpa / th) - Shortly before the ice saints, the Thuringians experienced one of the first summer weekends.

With temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, many people enjoyed the sun outdoors, especially on Sundays.

In Erfurt, queues formed in front of flower shops and florists - on Sunday it was Mother's Day.

At Schlosspark Tiefurt near Weimar, some people even dared to take a bath in the Ilm.

Others put their feet in the water to cool off.

But the long-awaited summer weather should only last a short time, as a spokesman for the German Weather Service said on Sunday: "It won't stay that way."

The sunshine could already be over on Tuesday.

"The price for the high temperatures is that we might get thunderstorms - the first possibly as early as late Monday evening in western Thuringia," said Jens Oehmichen, a meteorologist at the German Weather Service in Leipzig.

Accordingly, rain is already possible on Tuesday night, especially in western Thuringia.

"We expect strong thunderstorms on Tuesday afternoon," said Oehmichen.

In the middle of the week, increasingly colder air comes to Thuringia, with daily maximum temperatures of around 20 degrees being expected.


After all: hobby gardeners do not have to fear a real cold snap at first.

"The typical Einsheiligen weather situation is currently not visible," said Oehmichen.

In unfavorable locations, the danger of night frost is most likely to be expected next weekend.

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