
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - After growing pressure for openings in tourism, Economics Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) has announced decisions.

"On Tuesday, further possible opening steps will be discussed in the cabinet," he said on Sunday.

“The good thing is that the number of cases continues to fall.

However, we are not yet at the level of Schleswig-Holstein, ”emphasized Glawe.

All decisions are also about not endangering the summer season.

On Saturday, the seven-day incidence in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was 88 and in Schleswig-Holstein 50. While tourism is already open in many places in the neighboring state and outdoor catering is possible, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, despite a nationwide incidence, it is almost below 100 Nothing. So far, only fully vaccinated people from other federal states are allowed to travel to MV as day trippers or use their own holiday homes. Otherwise, only family visits are permitted. Locals are also not allowed to book tourist overnight stays.

All of this ensures fust among tourism professionals.

The association of owners of holiday apartments and holiday homes accused the state government of having drawn an "anti-tourism protective wall" around the country's borders.

Glawe admitted that the situation for tourism was tense.

Resolutions on opening steps for schools and daycare centers are also expected in the cabinet on Tuesday.

There should be preliminary talks on Monday.


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