
Munich (dpa / lby) - At first it was just words, now action follows: All over Germany, Catholic priests want to bless all loving couples these days - whether gay, lesbian or straight.

And this despite the fact that the Vatican recently issued a clear ban.

Such a service is planned in Munich today at 4.30 p.m. in the Church of St. Benedict.

“It wasn't that easy to find a church,” said Renate Spannig, spokeswoman for the “Maria 2.0” reform initiative, which helps organize the service.

Under the motto #liebegewinnt, church services are registered all over Germany around the main day of action on May 10th - one week before the International Day Against Homophobia.

There is blessing from Aachen to Zornheim, from Munich via Würzburg, Frankfurt, Cologne and Berlin to Quakenbrück.

The focus is clearly on the north and west.

There are only four planned blessing masses in Bavaria - three in Würzburg and this one in Munich.

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Call for action #more blessings

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