
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence of new corona infections in Hamburg fell to 83.8 on Sunday, according to the health authority.

This was the fifth day in a row below the important mark of 100. The health authority gave the number of new infections on Sunday at 148, after 206 the day before and 203 a week ago.

The seven-day incidence was 100.8 a week ago.

On a different calculation basis, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has determined a value of less than 100 for Hamburg for twelve days. On Sunday, the RKI stated an incidence of 76 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

This is still the second lowest value in Germany after Schleswig-Holstein (50).

According to the health authorities, the number of people who have died of or in connection with Corona in Hamburg since the beginning of the pandemic rose by 2 to 1519. In the Hamburg clinics, 206 Covid-19 patients were treated (as of Friday) - 22 fewer than on Thursday .

The number of patients in intensive care units decreased by 6 to 82.


According to the health authority, 73,984 hamburgers have been proven to have been infected with Sars-CoV-2 since the outbreak of the pandemic.

66,200 of them are said to have recovered.

According to the RKI, 594 505 people in Hamburg were vaccinated at least once up to and including Friday and 150 464 residents were fully vaccinated.

In terms of vaccination rates, Hamburg, with 32.2 percent of the population for first vaccinations and 8.1 percent for second vaccinations, is somewhat below the national average.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210509-99-527931 / 2

Corona numbers Hamburg


RKI numbers

RKI dashboard

RKI vaccination rates


Divi intensive register

Information on rapid tests

Information on corona vaccination

KBV platform Impfterminservice.de