
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for May 9, 2021:

18th calendar week, 129th day of the year

236 days until the end of the year


Star sign Taurus

Name day: Adalgar, Beatus, Theresia, Volkmar



2016 - Hardliner Rodrigo Duterte wins the presidential election in the Philippines.

When he took office on June 30th, he called on citizens to kill drug addicts and dealers.

2011 - The first nationwide census begins.

Around a third of the more than 80 million people in Germany are interviewed.

Ten percent of the residents have to provide information, as well as all property and apartment owners and residents of communal accommodation.

2006 - Germany becomes one of 47 members of the new UN Human Rights Council to replace the Geneva Human Rights Commission.


2001 - One of the worst tragedies in a football stadium in the Ghanaian capital Accra kills at least 126 people in a mass panic.

1936 - The fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini announces the annexation of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) in Rome.

On May 5th, Italian troops captured the capital Addis Ababa.

1936 - Helmut Horten opens the first "Horten" department store in Duisburg.

Benefiting from the "Aryanization" policy of the National Socialists, he took over a traditional house belonging to the Jewish Alsberg brothers.

1926 - American Richard Byrd claims to have been the first person to reach the North Pole by plane.

The statement remains controversial.

1876 ​​- Nikolaus Otto invents the four-stroke engine.

A working diagram of the test engine is considered the birth certificate of the gasoline engine.

1869 - The German Alpine Club (DAV) is founded.



1946 - Candice Bergen (75), American actress and photographer (TV series "Murphy Brown")

1946 - Drafi Deutscher, German pop singer (“Marble, stone and iron breaks”), d. 2006

1941 - Matthias Langhoff (80), German theater director and theater manager, Berliner Ensemble, Volksbühne, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne

1936 - Glenda Jackson (85), British actress and politician, Oscars as best leading actress in “Loving Women” (1969) and “Man, You're Class” (1973), other well-known roles in “Sunday, Bloody Sunday”, “Hedda Gabler », went into politics in the early 1990s

1921 - Sophie Scholl, German resistance fighter, member of the "White Rose" resistance group, executed in the Munich-Stadelheim prison, d. 1943


2016 - Walther Leisler Kiep, German politician, treasurer of the CDU 1971-1992, finance minister of Lower Saxony 1976-1980, born in 1926

1981 - Fritz Umgelter, film and television director, “As far as your feet can carry”, “When Conny with Peter”, born in 1922

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