
Berlin (dpa) - A small group of actors around “Babylon Berlin” star Volker Bruch justified themselves for the video action #allesdichtmachen.

“Our goal was to get the criticism of the measures out of this corner that was branded as extremist,” said Bruch in an interview he gave to “Welt am Sonntag” together with actresses Miriam Stein, Nina Gummich and Karoline Teska.

«Criticism is not only incredibly important for us artists, but also for politics.

It is a form of feedback that allows readjustment, ”he added.

There are people “who now dare to say something because we have done it.

But at the same time they are trying to criminalize us and push us into an undemocratic corner, ”said Bruch.

The 41-year-old is one of the most famous television actors in Germany.

He plays Commissioner Gereon Rath in the series "Babylon Berlin".

During the #allesdichtmachen campaign, a good two weeks ago, a good 50 actors - including Bruch, Stein, Gummich and Teska - commented on corona politics in Germany with ironic-satirical videos.

After severe criticism and some approval from the right-wing camp, several participants distanced themselves from their contributions.


In his clip, Bruch had asked the government in an ironic tone to make people more afraid: "The people in the country need this fear now." In the past, he had campaigned for refugees on the island of Lesbos, for example. On Instagram, he recently criticized that he was afraid that a generation was growing up and no longer getting to know closeness.

On reports that he had submitted an application for membership to the party “Die Basis”, Bruch told “Welt am Sonntag”: “For me, the content is decisive.” The party's grassroots approach is "extremely interesting". He does not have to agree with everyone on all points. "But if you jointly agree on content worth supporting, you can also work together for it," said Bruch. Basically, however, he considers the question of party affiliation to be something very personal. Bruch also said: "I don't feel represented by the ruling parties at the moment."

The party “Die Basis” (“Basic Democratic Party Germany”) was founded in the summer of 2020 “as a reaction to the Corona crisis and the measures taken by the Federal Government”.

According to one representation, it relies on four pillars: freedom, mindfulness, power limitation and swarm intelligence.

Many members of the party are critical of the corona measures.

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