
Essen (dpa / lnw) - The social significance of the artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) takes an exhibition in Essen into focus.

The show presented at the Zeche Zollverein from this Sunday on is entitled “The Invisible Sculpture.

The expanded concept of art according to Joseph Beuys ».

The themes of democracy, ecology and creativity that are central to Beuys' work will be highlighted, as the Zollverein Foundation announced on Friday in Essen.

With his concept of «Invisible Sculpture», the creative power of art should be re-developed in order to build a free, sustainable and livable society as «Social Sculpture», it said. Due to the pandemic, the show cannot be visited at first. The organizers hope that it will open soon.

250 objects, films and documents will then be on view, including a felt suit (1970), the installation “Wooden box, oil paint, neon letters” (1972) or the work “Room 3 - slipped room” (1981).

In addition to central works and unpublished materials, Beuys' connection to the Ruhr area is also discussed, using the example of the "Free International University" he founded with branches in Gelsenkirchen and Essen.

Documents show the history of the "Fluxus Zone West" in the Ruhr area in the 1970s.

The show ends on September 26th.


Joseph Beuys is considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century.

In his work he dealt with questions of humanism, social philosophy and anthropology.

His work aimed at the radical democratization of society.

With the Beuys exhibition, the Zollverein Foundation is opening Hall 8, the former compressor hall of the Zollverein colliery, which was closed in 1986, on the site of the World Heritage Site.

In the hall, which has been converted into an art and exhibition hall, at least one exhibition on contemporary art is to be shown per year with a focus on digital art and photography.

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Information about the exhibition