Farmers' income maintains a steady growth trend ("14th Five-Year Plan", we started like this)

  In the first quarter of this year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in my country was 5,398 yuan, an actual increase of 16.3% after deducting price factors, and the income of farmers maintained a steady growth trend.

  Whether a well-off society is not a well-off society depends on the villagers.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in agricultural and rural work, there are ten thousand words and ten thousand dollars. Increasing farmers' income is the key.

It is necessary to speed up the construction of a long-term policy mechanism that promotes the sustained and rapid increase of farmers' income, so that the majority of farmers can get rich as soon as possible.

  At present, agricultural income, wage income, business income, property income and transfer income have provided diversified support for farmers’ income growth, and farmers’ sense of gain, happiness, and security have continued to increase.

As of the end of 2020, the per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 17,131 yuan, which has grown faster than urban residents for 11 consecutive years. The income gap between urban and rural residents has narrowed from 2.64:1 in 2019 to 2.56:1.

  ——The increase in farmers' income comes from the support of the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers.

  To support farmers, it is necessary to strengthen support for agriculture, create good farming conditions and environment, and earnestly increase the pockets of farmers.

  "The policy is strong, and now the farming is more exciting! A few more agricultural machinery will be added this year." Cheng Zhengchun, a big grain grower in Yanfanqiao Village, Chengui Town, Daye City, Hubei Province, is particularly at ease.

Over the years, through the development of moderate scale operations, the rice area under his management has continued to expand.

Last year, the total output of 800 acres of rice exceeded 500,000 jin. Excluding labor, machinery and various agricultural inputs, the net income was more than 200,000 yuan.

  This year, the minimum purchase prices for indica rice and wheat will continue to increase from last year; the subsidy policy for corn and soybean producers will continue to remain stable; the pilot program for full cost insurance and income insurance will be expanded to the three major food crops.

At the same time, we will consolidate and make good use of the results of the confirmation of rights, and carry out an orderly extension of the second round of land contracting for another 30 years after the expiration of the trial period, so as to keep the land contracting relationship stable and unchanged for a long time.

Up to now, a total of 1.5 billion mu of contracted land has been confirmed to households, and more than 200 million farmers have received certificates.

  ——The increase in farmers' income comes from the promotion of high-quality agricultural and rural development.

  Wealthy farmers must improve the level of intensive farming, large-scale operations, and socialized services, and do everything possible to increase farmers' income from farming.

  In Lilou Village, Xiangdian Town, Xixian County, Henan Province, Hongrun Family Farm Zhengmai's 113 thousand acres of demonstrative fields rolled over.

One by one, unique and high-quality cards have become the confidence for farmers to continue to increase their income.

In the production workshop not far from the farm, wheat is processed into biscuits, fresh-keeping noodles and nutritious dried noodles.

"The unit price of high-quality weak-gluten wheat is more than twice that of ordinary wheat." said Pan Daorong, chairman of Xixian Hongsheng Grain Products Co., Ltd.

Driven by leading enterprises, the town's 25 specialized farmer cooperatives and 24,000 farmers realized income growth.

  Up to now, more than 2.4 million farmer cooperatives, more than 900,000 agricultural socialized service organizations, and more than 90,000 leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization at the county level and above are becoming the new force of agricultural modernization, guiding small farmers to the track of modern agricultural development .

This year, my country will also speed up the construction of roads leading to natural villages (groups) and main roads in the village, build a number of industrial roads, tourist roads, and resource roads, strengthen the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for the storage and preservation of agricultural products in production areas, and open up warehousing, cold chain, and logistics distribution. The "last mile" from the township to the village.

  ——The increase in farmers' income comes from the solid implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

  To improve peasants, it is necessary to improve the quality of peasants, train and cultivate a new type of peasant team, and make peasants rich in brains and pockets.

  Walking into Guanghui Village, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Chuangxian Guava Modern Agricultural Industrial Park is blooming.

"At the beginning, I went back to my hometown to start a business, but now the road is getting wider!" Villager Liu Shufen returned to his hometown to start a business and led the establishment of a cooperative, invited agricultural technology experts to cultivate the "Four Seasons Red" guava listed on a staggered peak, driving an increase in the average annual income of the villagers 55,000 yuan.

  In 2020, the number of entrepreneurs and innovation personnel who returned to their hometowns across the country reached 10.1 million, an increase of 1.6 million over 2019 and an increase of 19% year-on-year. This is the year with the largest increase and the fastest growth in recent years, with more than 19 million returning to their hometowns. Township personnel have achieved local employment.

According to statistics, on average, each return home entrepreneurial innovation project can absorb 6.3 people in stable employment and 17.3 people in flexible employment, and through the use of contract, dividend, and shareholding methods, the industry's value-added income is left to farmers.

  At present, the basis of summer grain production is good, and there is a basis for a bumper harvest.

The development of rural industries is accelerating, and the rural industrial chain, the expansion of multiple functions of agriculture and the diversified value of rural areas continue to exert force.

The pace of farmers' income increase is more stable, the momentum to increase income is more surging, and the confidence to increase income is more abundant.