
Potsdam (dpa) - According to the Brandenburg Ministry of Education, staying seated at school cannot be ruled out this year despite the corona pandemic.

Meanwhile, there is a different regulation than last year, said Education Minister Britta Ernst (SPD) on Friday in the education committee of the state parliament, so performance in distance learning could be assessed.

In the first months of the pandemic last year, the distance teaching of the students was not assessed because there was no legal regulation.

That led to great criticism, said Ernst.

The students rightly wanted their achievements to be recognized.

Therefore the procedure was changed.

"It's more difficult to evaluate student performance in alternate classes or in months of distance learning," she said.

"I think it is wrong to say, in reverse, that we will completely forego a performance assessment in one year," said the minister.


The left-wing member of the state parliament, Kathrin Dannenberg, had previously demanded that all children be transferred.

There should be no ratings in the form of grades until the summer holidays, with the exception of the graduating classes.

The teachers should refer to the children's skills in the certificates and make their positive development clear.

She is convinced that a comparison is currently not possible, said Dannenberg.

"There are no ratings in the form of censorship," she said.

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