
Erfurt (dpa / th) - The employers' association of Thuringia has warned against restricting non-objective time limits on employment contracts more strongly.

Such contracts would offer the companies a “minimum degree of flexibility”, the association announced on Friday.

"Fixed-term contracts are an indispensable must for business and companies."

The background to this are proposals from Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), who wants to limit the duration and frequency of employment contracts that are limited in time for no objective reason.

"Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil is now trying to make massive interventions in the part-time fixed-term law in the" last few meters "up to the election in autumn," it said.

In doing so, he strives “without need to massively curb one of the few remaining labor law flexibility instruments of companies”.

Heil, on the other hand, had argued that many fixed-term contracts were not operationally necessary, but only a means of circumventing protection against dismissal.

In addition, time limits with a material reason - for example parental leave substitutions or order peaks - should no longer apply indefinitely.

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