
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Top researchers at the TU Dresden (TUD) want to turn Lausitz into a high-tech model region for digital transformation in Germany.

In association with non-university research institutions and companies, they apply with the concept of a Saxonian Institute of Technology (SIT) in the competition for a large federal research center.

"The SIT connects science, business and society," said TU Rector Ursula M. Staudinger, according to a statement on Friday.

It is about "innovative solutions for sustainable and trustworthy digitization with the people and for the people in Lusatia and the world".

The TU Liberec and the University of Wroclaw also include two universities in the neighboring regions of the Czech Republic and Poland.

"We want to shape digital innovations for the future, for health care, nutrition, mobility and energy, trustworthy, sustainable and economically successful," said TUD physics professor Karl Leo as spokesman for the project.

An essential part of the concept is therefore a comprehensive training program for specialists up to doctoral studies.

According to TUD, three projects each for the Lausitz and the Central German district are to be selected in July and entrusted with a six-month conception phase.

A decision will be made in the second quarter of 2022. For the large research centers, funding of up to 170 million euros per year is in prospect in the medium term.


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