
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The football professionals already have the end of the season in view, the handball teams are still challenged for weeks.

"We have to work through the 18 games that lie ahead of us this season without emotion," said Kiel's trainer Filip Jicha in the "Kieler Nachrichten" (Friday).

The German record champions and SG Flensburg-Handewitt have twelve games in the Bundesliga.

In addition, both Kiel and Flensburg contest the quarter-finals in the Champions League.

The final round in Cologne is to be added.

On top of that, THW is in the final round of the DHB Cup in Hamburg with a maximum of two games.

The Kieler approach the impressive remaining program as the Bundesliga front runner.

"I hope that it is an additional motivation for us, because we naturally feel more comfortable at the top," said managing director Viktor Szilagyi, but also confessed: "Our remaining tasks have neither become easier nor more difficult as a result."

Coach Jicha stated: "It would be cheeky to assume that we will just shoot through the rest of the games now."

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Bundesliga schedule

Champions League schedule

Semi-final DHB Cup