
Mainz (dpa / lrs) - The Rhineland-Palatinate SPD parliamentary group has elected Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler as group chairman for the new legislative period.

The 46-year-old is the first woman in this position.

Bätzing-Lichtenthäler succeeds Alexander Schweitzer, who is to become Minister for Labor, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitization in the new cabinet.

Bätzing-Lichtenthäler is currently Minister for Health, Labor and Social Affairs.

Your house becomes the Ministry of Health and Science;

the designated minister is the head of the State Chancellery Clemens Hoch.

37 MPs voted for Bätzing-Lichtenthäler, one against, as the party announced.

A representative was missing because of the vote in the Federal Council on the Corona Ordinance.

The parliamentary group also unanimously nominated Malu Dreyer as candidate for Prime Minister and confirmed Martin Haller as Parliamentary Managing Director.

Hendrik Hering was proposed again as President of the State Parliament and Astrid Schmitt as Vice President.


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