
Mainz (dpa / lrs) - After brief thunderstorms and frost on Saturday night, the German Weather Service (DWD) expects sunshine in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland at the weekend.

First of all, on Friday morning, there are brief thunderstorms, especially in the northern half, which could bring locally stormy gusts of up to 70 kilometers per hour, showers and sleet.

In the afternoon, the weather situation loosens a little, according to DWD information.

The maximum values ​​are between ten and 14 degrees.

On Saturday night there could be widespread ground frost at temperatures of up to minus two degrees.

Already on Saturday the sun will show itself at temperatures up to 20 degrees on the Saar.

It stays mostly dry.

On Sunday the temperatures should rise again - in the Vorderpfalz even up to 30 degrees are possible.

The maximum values ​​are otherwise widespread between 24 and 28 degrees.

In addition, a fresh wind blows.

In the night to Monday, more clouds will come in again, and thunderstorm showers could come in at times.

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