<Anchor> The

National Assembly personnel hearing on candidate Kim Bu-gyeom was held for the second day. The suspicion of preferential treatment for the Lime Fund by the daughters and daughters of the candidates was also the most controversial issue today (7th). The opposition party condemned it as a preferential fund for the daughter's family, but candidate Kim Bu-gyeom refuted head-on, saying that he had not exercised any power.

The first news, this is reporter Lee Hyun-young.


The second daughter of Prime Minister Kim Boo-gyeom's candidate joined Lime Asset Management's Tetis 11 fund on April 18, 2019.

Two weeks after Kim's resignation from the Minister of Public Administration and Security, and half a year later, the'lime crisis' broke out.

The investment is 1.2 billion won.

'Tetis 11' is designed to be redeemable at any time, and there is no need to pay redemption fees or performance compensation to the fund company.

Accountant Gyeong-yul Kim, co-author of the so-called'Black Book of the Fatherland', who attended the personnel hearing of candidate Kim as a reference, insisted that it was "a very favorable condition for investors."

[Josujin / the national forces Senator: Did you see that there is in this budget debate sight is Kim?]

[Gimgyeongyul / Economic Democracy 21 Co-President: I think that there is no one who can deny dwaetdago consists of a preferential -

Opposition lawmakers again Another'Thetis 11'It was confirmed that a government subsidy of 1.45 billion won was provided to an investor, a KOSDAQ listed company, and also raised suspicion that candidate Kim might have been involved in the process.

However, Candidate Kim argued that "the subject of economic activities is the son-in-law, and saying that'the family of candidate Kim's daughter' is a kind of frame."

[Kim Bu-gyeom/Prime Minister Candidate: How would I have endured this far if I had done a trick or acted like that?] The

ruling party lawmakers also

learned that the

Kim candidate's daughter and wife suffered losses after the investment and could not redeem them. And actively covered it.

[Seo Young-gyo/Democratic Party Member: Are these people who have lost money?]

[Young-Jun Jang/Former Head of Daishin Securities Center: Currently in loss.]

In addition, the president of Daishin Securities, who sold the fund, also attended the hearing and said, "When setting up the fund," It was found that the management had never received a call for candidate Kim.”

(Video coverage: Kim Heung-ki, video editing: Choi Hye-young)