
Hamburg (dpa) - As a hand-drawn animation film and with real filmed singer actors: The Hamburg State Opera has re-produced the 35-year-old chamber opera "White Rose" as a graphic opera. The animated film is to be broadcast for the first time on May 9, the 100th birthday of resistance fighter Sophie Scholl, announced the Hamburg State Opera on Thursday. The opera film “White Rose” will be shown on the Arte television station at 11.40 p.m., and Norddeutsche Rundfunk will be showing the work on May 22nd at 10.30 p.m. It will be available in the Arte media library from May 8th.

The film is about the last hours of the Scholl siblings immediately before their execution on February 22, 1943. There is no realistic, documentary plot.

Rather, the dramaturgy is about the "inner theater" that is, the fears, hopes and personal motives of the protagonists.

Udo Zimmermann's opera premiered in Hamburg in 1986.

In the animated graphic opera version, Marie-Dominique Ryckmanns takes on the role of Sophie Scholl, Michael Fischer sings Hans Scholl.

The direction was directed by David Bösch, the Philharmonic State Orchestra Hamburg accompanied the two singers.


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Information from the State Opera about the Graphic Opera "White Rose"