
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein fell to 53.8 on Thursday.

The day before an incidence of 54.7 had been reported, on Thursday last week the value was 63.9.

Within one day, 247 newly reported corona infections were added, according to data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel on new corona infections (as of May 6, 6:39 p.m.).

On Thursday last week there were 273 new infections.

According to the information, 166 people were in clinics on Thursday due to Covid-19 - ten fewer than the day before.

48 of them are being treated in the intensive care unit, three fewer than the day before.

27 corona patients were ventilated;

the day before it was 30. Two more people died of or with Corona - the number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic is now 1522.

The city of Neumünster has a seven-day incidence (new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week) for the second day in a row above the critical threshold of 100 - with a value of 114.7.

The city of Kiel had the second highest value (87.1).

The lowest numbers were in the districts of Schleswig-Flensburg (29.8) and Rendsburg-Eckernförde (30.6),


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210506-99-498304 / 2

Corona cases reported for Schleswig-Holstein

RKI dashboard
