
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Hardly Franconian, less and less Swabian and nowhere near as much Alemannic in the schoolyards and the streets: The designated state government wants to continue to oppose the creeping departure of the dialects and, among other things, in the social media for the regional ones Advertise languages.

"We want to strengthen dialects as part of the language culture in daycare centers and schools," she writes on the sign in the coalition agreement.

Not only will the country's initiative to preserve the dialects be continued.

The country is also announcing an internet competition to promote the topic in the country.

The dialects are also very close to the heart of the new state government: The newly elected CDU parliamentary group leader Manuel Hagel, for example, speaks the broadest Swabian dialect, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann is also known for it, while Minister of Social Affairs Manne Lucha (Greens) never shed the dialect of his Upper Bavarian homeland Has.

Cross-faction MPs have already submitted a motion in the state parliament in which they campaigned for the preservation of dialects.

Nice try, says the teachers' union about the dialect in the coalition agreement.

"As if they had nothing more important to do," comments Monika Stein, the state chairwoman of the Education and Science Union (GEW).


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Mother tongue society Alemannic

Swabian mouth-art homepage


Dialect Society Württemberg

Tübingen research project on everyday language in North Baden

University of Freiburg - Office of the Baden Dictionary


Homepage Baden-Württemberg regional studies on dialects

Coalition Agreement on Dialects, p. 69