
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - In the future, the state government, together with the other German coastal states, should work with the federal government to see how the pollution in the sea can be dealt with.

The various responsibilities would have to be bundled at the federal level, as emerges from the recommendation for a resolution of the Interior and European Committee discussed in the state parliament in Schwerin on Thursday.

The parliamentary group on the left introduced the motion, which was unanimously approved.

The risk of explosive ordnance in the Baltic Sea should be regularly placed on the agenda of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference.

According to the application, there are around 300,000 tons of ammunition on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, plus up to 65,000 tons of chemical warfare ammunition.

The dangers are great due to increasing rust attack and an impossible on-site rescue.

In front of the Baltic Sea coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, an area of ​​around 15,000 square kilometers contaminated with explosives is to be expected.

"The almost two years of deliberations in the responsible committee, including a hearing, made one thing very clear: The environmentally harmful and toxic legacies of two world wars will occupy future generations," said the left-wing member of the state parliament, Wolfgang Weiß.


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Request left parliamentary group

Recommended resolution by the Interior and European Committee