
Munich (dpa / lby) - The Bavarian state government evaluates the current decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the corona policy as backing for the current political course. Karlsruhe had rejected urgent requests against nocturnal exit restrictions in the course of the Corona emergency brake. «The decision from Karlsruhe is groundbreaking. The Federal Constitutional Court fully confirms the course of prudence and caution that the Bavarian state government has been pursuing since the beginning of the pandemic, "said State Chancellor Florian Herrmann (CSU) on Thursday in Munich. "We are on the home stretch of the pandemic and now have to keep our nerves for the good of the people so that the daily increasing vaccination success does not stumble over the last few meters." The decision helps a lot.

Karlsruhe had rejected urgent requests against night exit restrictions, but also emphasized: "It is not decided that the exit restriction is compatible with the Basic Law." This question must be resolved in the main proceedings. Several plaintiffs had requested that the court temporarily suspend the nocturnal exit restriction by way of an order (Az .: inter alia 1 BvR 781/21).

The nationwide binding rules for stricter corona measures came into force a week and a half ago.

In counties that have exceeded a seven-day incidence of 100 for three days, exit restrictions then apply between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., among other things.

More than 250 proceedings against the tightened Infection Protection Act have already been received in Karlsruhe.

According to a spokesman's earlier statements, some are directed against the entire package of measures, others only against individual points.

Among the plaintiffs are lawyers, but also politicians, for example from the Bundestag.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210506-99-489297 / 2

Information on constitutional complaints

Information on urgent applications in Karlsruhe


