
Hilpoltstein (dpa / lby) - In order not to endanger young birds, the State Association for Bird Protection (LBV) has called on all cat owners not to let their house tigers outside during the day.

Since the young birds cannot fly properly yet, they are easy prey for cats.

Those who own cats should keep them in the house for a few days, at least in the morning and evening, especially when young birds are in the garden or in the neighborhood, advised the LBV on Thursday in Hilpoltstein.

Also, young birds that appear helpless should not be taken in by humans.

The experts warned that this is a misunderstood love of animals.

"The young birds are inexperienced and a little inexperienced in flying and therefore often seem helpless," explained LBV biologist Angelika Nelson.


As in previous years, the LBV recommended that half-fledged, fully feathered birds, so-called branchlings, simply be left sitting, as long as they are not in immediate danger.

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