
Berlin (dpa / bb) - A week after May 1, left and radical left groups want to demonstrate on Saturday (May 8) under the motto “You are no security” against “police violence”.

The demonstrators want to run from 1 p.m. from the police headquarters on Platz der Luftbrücke in Tempelhof through Kreuzberg and Neukölln to Spreewaldplatz in Kreuzberg.

The police said that 2,500 participants were registered.

The police will accompany the demonstration with a larger contingent.

The protest had been announced as a nationwide action before May 1st.

The organizers are calling for “a more consistent investigation of racist incidents in the ranks of the police and the denazification of the security authorities, which are interspersed with right-wing radical networks”.

Calls for support were also circulating on radical left-wing websites.

On Saturday evening, violence broke out in several parts of the demonstration by left-wing groups.

Protesters and rioters attacked the police by throwing bottles and setting fire to dumpsters.

The police used irritant gas.

A total of 93 police officers were injured that day, most of them slightly.

Protesters also suffered injuries.

The police arrested 354 men and women, most of whom were quickly released.


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