A patient being cared for in the county had been vaccinated with covid vaccine before the illness.

Otherwise, the region cannot comment on the individual patient case, with reference to patient confidentiality.

- This is about a different type of side effect than those with blood clots and the like as previously reported in Sweden.

It is a condition that is very unusual, but which also occurred before covid, says chief physician Sofia Jacobsson.

Jacobsson further says that she does not know if any similar case has been reported.

The side effects occurred for the patient in question around the weekend.

- As I said, it is a condition that sometimes you can not get clarity in what triggered it, says Sofia Jacobsson.

All suspected side effects of covid vaccine must be reported to the Medical Products Agency, which assesses whether there may be reason to suspect any causal link.

Previous registration

On an earlier occasion, the Västerbotten Region reported a suspected side effect to the Medical Products Agency, after a patient died in March shortly after covid vaccination.

That death was one of the reasons why vaccination with Astra Zeneca's vaccine was paused in Sweden.