
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - In the event of hate mail, anonymous calls or insults on the street, politicians and administrative staff can contact the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) for advice.

In future, there will also be a similar offer for volunteers in Baden-Württemberg if they become a target because of their commitment.

This is what the designated green-black state government agreed in its coalition agreement.

Both parties promise to set up a reporting office for hate postings for volunteers in civil society.

In addition, affected people are to be helped in a model project to request the deletion of an offensive entry from Internet platforms.

"The faster the illegal post is deleted, the less it will spread and thus the damage to the victim," says the coalition agreement.

It is also planned to name contact persons for the subject of hate crime in all police state security services.

State security is responsible for fighting politically motivated crime.

These include left and right-wing extremist crimes as well as religiously motivated crimes.


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