
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - After a recalculation, inflation in Hesse rose a little less sharply than initially.

According to a statement by the State Statistical Office on Wednesday, consumer prices were 1.8 percent above the level of the same month last year.

Initially, the authority had given an inflation of 1.9 percent.

The increase in consumer prices from March to April 2021 was 0.6 percent, 0.1 points lower than initially calculated.

This does not change the general trend: inflation has risen steadily since the beginning of the year.

In March the annual rate of inflation was 1.7 percent, in February it was 1.0 percent.

Energy in particular has become more expensive since the beginning of the year.

Since the beginning of 2021, a levy of 25 euros per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted has been due, which is generated when diesel, petrol, heating oil and natural gas are burned.

This is causing the prices for heating and refueling to climb.

People also had to dig deeper into their pockets for food.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210505-99-474526 / 2


State Office for Inflation 04/2021 (revised)

State Office for Inflation 04/2021 (preliminary figures)