
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The medical officer from Berlin-Reinickendorf, Patrick Larscheid, has criticized the Senate's announcement of vaccinations in socially disadvantaged areas.

The action misses the actual problem in these quarters, said Larscheid on Wednesday in the RBB Inforadio.

Berlin's governing mayor Michael Müller announced on Tuesday that 10,000 vaccine doses would be delivered to district centers in socially deprived areas or areas in difficult living situations over the next week.

Such vaccinations on site meant a high level of health protection for the relevant population groups.

Larscheid was skeptical.

"We have a problem with those who live in these so-called socially disadvantaged areas," said the medical officer.

There are sections of the population who reject corona measures and are not ready to accept restrictions.

The use of a vaccination mobile is not enough in these cases.

“They haven't touched the core problem yet,” said Larscheid.

There are people who do not want to be vaccinated because they have crude ideas.

"You need information and not an offer that is at the end of the chain," says the doctor.

His employees in the health department have had very good experiences when it comes to education.

"We know our people from Pappenheim very well in the districts," said Larscheid.


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Corona management report in Berlin

Berlin Infection Protection Ordinance

Interview on RBB-Inforadio