Citysjukhuset is a health center and a hospital for specialist care in Gothenburg and on Wednesday they published a message on their website where it said: “For you who are 18 years or older, we can now offer vaccination time with Astra Zeneca's vaccination.

You do not need to be listed with us to book ”.

The message was on the site for a couple of hours.

- We have made a mistake and apologize for it, we removed it as soon as we could but we know that it has affected a number of people, says Lill Nordkvist.

SVT Nyheter Väst has been in contact with several people under the age of 65 who thought they had booked for vaccination with Astra's vaccine this week.

Two of those who still have their booked times are in their 30s.

Sent elaborate correction

On Wednesday afternoon, Citysjukhuset must have sent a message to those who have had time to book with information that Astra's vaccine is only given to people over 65 in accordance with the Public Health Agency's recommendations and that you should cancel your appointment if you are younger than that.

The message that SVT has received is vaguely worded and several who are under 65 and who have booked an appointment have perceived it as an option to get there and get Astra's vaccine regardless of age.

The Västra Götaland region's vaccine coordinator Kristine Rygge says that in parts of the region phase 4 has now started, but that it then applies to people over 55 and that they will go in order of age, she also clarifies that those between 55-65 years are not vaccinated with Astra.

She confirms that she is aware of Citysjukhuset's incorrect message.

- The Swedish Public Health Agency does not recommend Astra to people under the age of 65 and we must fully follow that, she says.