
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The Düsseldorf administrative court is hearing this Thursday (9.30 am) about the killing of the she-wolf "Gloria".

Shepherd Kurt Opriel has requested that the animal living on the Lower Rhine be shot.

The she-wolf had repeatedly killed the shepherd's sheep, according to him, so far 26 of them.

The shepherd wants to oblige the Wesel district to issue an exemption under the Federal Nature Conservation Act so that the she-wolf may be killed.

In an urgent procedure, his application was rejected in January (Ref .: 28 L 2558/20).

The court must now clarify whether the conditions for killing the she-wolf are met.

The wolf is one of the strictly protected animal species.

In principle, his killing is forbidden.

National and European law on species protection only allows killing in exceptional cases.

The livestock owner receives compensation for killed sheep.


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